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I was flicking through old articles and I came across this one, suggesting that we were not far off finding ways to slow down, pause, or even reverse some of the significant processes of ageing. The article is looking at ageing at a cellular level and is from the perspective of a biologist who is looking drugs that reduce the cellular effects of ageing. Don't get me wrong. I am excited by that but it is only half of the equation. We have it in our hands to do the best with what we've got . Three of the four key osteopathic principles are valid here.
So many people are working from home right now and, if we are to believe what we are told, it will be the new normal for many, at least part-time. In some ways, that is great. Most people won't miss the commute and in theory, at least, that is time you can repurpose to do what you want...and apparently cosmetic and deodorant sales are down, so that suggests you are repurposing some of that wash and brush-up time too. The down side is that for most of us, at least here in London, space is at a premium...we don't have a room set up as an we have to work in our living space and that might involve some compromises. How can you make that work?
November 2024
AuthorDamian is the principal osteopath at Vauxhall Village Osteopathy and Oval Osteopathy Categories